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Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts

Putin Congratulates Macron On Bastille Day

Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to President of France Emmanuel Macron on the national holiday – Bastille Day.
The Russian President highly praised Russia-France relations, which traditionally play an important role in European affairs and in ensuring peace, security and stability on the continent. “I am confident that by acting together our countries can do much to resolve current issues of the regional and global agenda,” – Vladimir Putin wrote.

The Russian President expressed hope that the results of Emmanuel Macron’s visit in May will contribute to the development of mutually beneficial relations and political dialogue between Moscow and Paris in various areas.

Vladimir Putin Visits Valaam Monastery

On July 11, on the memorial day for Valaam Miracle Workers, Sts Sergius and German, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Valaam Transfiguration of the Saviour Patriarchal Monastery.

Vladimir Putin attended a liturgy in the Transfiguration of the Saviour Cathedral at the Valaam Monastery served by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The President met with parishioners and congratulated them on the holiday. After the service, the President and the Patriarch walked around the cloister.

The Valaam Monastery is one of the most honoured monasteries in Russia, with over 200 brethren. Every year, more than 100,000 pilgrims and tourists visit the cloister.

Putin's Telephone Conversations with Franch President and Belgium King

After the World Cup semi-final between France and Belgium, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of France Emmanuel Macron, who attended the match in St Petersburg.
Vladimir Putin congratulated Emmanuel Macron and the French fans on the victory of their team, which has put France in the World Cup final.
The President of Russia also talked with King Philippe of Belgium, who also attended the match, saying that the Belgian team played top-class football throughout the championship.
Франция вышла в финал ЧМ, обыграв Бельгию. 1:0. Гол и лучшие моменты

Moscow: Putin's Speech At International Cybersecurity Congress

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at a plenary session of the International Cybersecurity Congress organised by Sberbank with the support of Data Economy and the Association of Russian Banks, Moscow, July 5, 2018.
The International Cybersecurity Congress is taking place in Moscow on July 5–6. The forum is an intersectoral platform that facilitates the global cybersecurity dialogue against the backdrop of globalisation and digitalisation.
The Congress brings together the heads of major Russian and foreign companies, vendors of cybersecurity software and services, Russian federal officials and world experts.

Putin Held Meeting In Kremlin On Economic Issues

Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting in the Kremlin on economic issues, Moscow, July 5, 2018.

Putin Hosts Military Graduates At Kremlin Reception

Vladimir Putin took part in the reception at the Grand Kremlin Palace in honor of the graduates of the military academies of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry for Emergency Situations, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Guard Service and the National Guard of Russia, the higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the federal penitentiary service, Moscow, June 28, 2018.

Putin Congratulates Erdogan On His Reelection As President

Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his reelection as President of the Republic of Turkey, and the Justice and Development Party’s victory in the latest elections. The President of Russia said the results of the vote fully confirm Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s political weight and the wide support of the policy pursued under his leadership to address the urgent social and economic challenges facing Turkey and to strengthen the country's foreign policy positions. Vladimir Putin noted with satisfaction the progressive development of Russian-Turkish partner relations that have confidently reached a strategic level in certain areas. The Russian President reaffirmed his readiness to continue the substantive dialogue and close cooperation on the bilateral, regional and international agenda, stressing that this undoubtedly meets the fundamental interests of the peoples of Russia and Turkey, and the goals of ensuring peace, stability and security on the Eurasian continent.

2004 Presidential Inauguration Of Vladimir Putin

The countdown of the second four-year presidential term for Vladimir Putin began at noon on May 7, 2004.
At the start of the ceremony, the State Flag of Russia, the President’s Standard, the Constitution and the Badge of the President of Russia were brought into St. Andrew’s Hall at the Grand Kremlin Palace.
The President’s motorcade drove through the Spasskaya Tower Gate towards the Grand Kremlin Palace. On ordinary days the head of state enters the Kremlin through the Borovitsky Gate.
To the sound of the presidential fanfare, Mr Putin walked to St Andrew’s Hall passing through the Georgievsky and Alexandrovsky Halls.
After taking an oath of allegiance to the people of Russia, President Putin addressed the nation.
To a 30-salvo salute, the head of state emerged into the Kremlin’s Sobornaya Square to review the Presidential Regiment. The Regiment marched in three columns. The highlight of the review was the march of the Honorary Cavalry Escort of 21 mounted cavalrymen wearing Russian Army uniforms from the time of the 1812 war against Napoleon.
The ceremony lasted about 25 minutes, half the time a similar ceremony lasted four years ago. Among the 1700 invited guests were holders of the Order of St. Andrew, Heroes of Russia, the Services to Motherland Order categories I and II; representatives of the Government, the Federation Council, the State Duma, the President’s Staff, the Central Election Commission; representatives of main religions; the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Moscow; representatives of the President’s campaign headquarters, non-governmental organisations and associations. Also present were numerous journalists, members of the Presidential Councils on Science and High Technologies, Culture and Arts, Physical Culture and Sports and representatives of business circles.
After the inauguration ceremony, President Putin visited Annunciation Cathedral at the Kremlin where Patriarch Alexii II of Moscow and All Russia gave a a short prayer on the occasion of Mr Putin’s inauguration as President of Russia.

Putin's Address To 2018 Russian School Leavers

President of Russia Vladimir Putin addressed to Russian school leavers, June 23, 2018. "We all believe in you, respect your views on life, your hobbies, even though they are so different from ours, and your choice of path in life" "We will make every effort to make Russia a country of opportunities for you, so that each of you will achieve personal success"

Putin & Moon: Russian-South Korean Talks

President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in made statements for the media following the bilateral meeting in the Kremlin, Moscow, June 22, 2018.
The South Korean leader is is currently on a state visit in Russia.
Earlier, after the official welcoming ceremony, Vladimir Putin and Moon Jae-in had a discussion on the key aspects of bilateral cooperation and their countries’ approaches to settling current international problems. The consultations continued in expanded format with the participation of the two countries’ delegations.
Following the talks, a Joint Statement by the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea was adopted and a package of interdepartmental and corporate documents was signed. In particular, the documents concern building a Russia-South Korea innovation platform for the fourth industrial revolution, free trade between Russia and South Korea, convening the Russia-South Korea Forum of Interregional Cooperation, and cooperation in telecommunications and information and communications technologies.
Other documents signed include an agreement on the Year of Cultural Exchanges in 2020 and on cooperation in physical fitness and sport, social security, power generation, the LNG business, cooperation between Russian Railways and the Korea Railroad Corporation, as well as the establishment of a Diagnostic Medical Centre in Moscow.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...