, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: December 2018

Lavrov's Statement on the Results of Russia-Turkey Talks on Syria (Rus, ...

Vladimir Putin Attends Night Hockey League Friendly Match

Vladimir Putin took part in a Night Hockey League friendly match on a skating rink on Red Square.

Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and hockey veterans Alexei Kasatonov, Pavel Bure and Vyacheslav Fetisov, to name a few, took part in the match alongside the President.

Vladimir Putin Meets Alexander Lukashenko in Moscow

In accordance with a preliminary agreement, Vladimir Putin met with President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in Moscow.

Putin's Remarks on Volunteer Movement at State Council Meeting

Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the State Council on the development of the volunteer movement and socially oriented non-profit organisations in the Kremlin.

Putin's Wishes on the N Y Eve at the Bolshoi Theater

Sergey Lavrov Welcomes his Pakistani Counterpart to Moscow

Sergey Lavrov held a meeting with Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mehmood Qureshi in Moscow.

Vladimir Putin Welcomes Elected Governors to Kremlin

Vladimir Putin met with elected governors of the Russian regions – the heads of the Republic of Khakassia, Primorye and Khabarovsk territories, Vladimir Region and the Nenets Autonomous Area.

Kolya Kuznetsov Shaking Hands with the President Putin (Dream With Me Ch...

Vladimir Putin met with 10-year old Kolya Kuznetsov, a participant in the Dream with Me project.

Kolya Kuznetsov arrived in Moscow from Stavropol Territory on his first visit to the Russian capital.

The boy dreamed of shaking hands with the President. Before the meeting, Kolya and his mother were offered a long guided tour of the Kremlin. Later, they will go on an excursion around Moscow and visit Izmailovo Estate and the Museum of Weapons.

On December 5, the President visited the International Volunteer Forum and took part in the Dream with Me charity project where volunteers make dreams come true for people suffering from serious illnesses. Any forum participant can choose an envelope and make one dream come true. Vladimir Putin took all the envelopes remaining on the stand.

Vladimir Putin Congratulates EMERCOM Employees and Veterans

Vladimir Putin Hold End-of-Year Meeting with Russian Business

Vladimir Putin held his traditional end-of-year meeting with representatives of the Russian business community. More than 60 business leaders, heads of private and state-owned companies, banks, entrepreneurs’ associations and unions were invited to attend.

Vladimir Putin Meets with Government Ahead of the New Year

Vladimir Putin held a traditional meeting with Government members ahead of the New Year.

Vladimir Putin Tests the Avangard Hypersonic Missiles

On the instructions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin, the Defence Ministry carried out a flight test that included a successful launch of an Avangard missile carrying a hypersonic glide vehicle.

Putin Meets in the Kremlin with Russian Parliament Leaders

Vladimir Putin met in the Kremlin with the leaders of the Federation Council, the State Duma and dedicated committees of both chambers. The participants discussed the MPs’ work in 2018, and their priorities in developing and upgrading legislation next year.

Arslan Kaipkulov Toured the Russian President’s Aircraft (Dream With Me ...

Arslan Kaipkulov and his mother came to Moscow from Bashkortostan to be taken on a tour of the President’s aircraft. The teenager’s dream was to make a video about this aircraft.

Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko: Russian-Belarus Talks in Kremlin

Vladimir Putin had a meeting with President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who is in Russia on a working visit. The discussion focused on key issues of bilateral cooperation.

Vladimir Putin Congratulates Galina Volchek on Her Birthday

Vladimir Putin visited Moscow’s Sovremennik Theatre, where he wished artistic director Galina Volchek a happy birthday.

The historical building of the theatre located at Chistye Prudy, Moscow, is now opening to visitors after major renovations that lasted for over two years. Today, the reconstructed stage of the theatre is hosting a celebratory event entitled Homecoming.

Vladimir Putin Presents State Decorations to Military Units

Vladimir Putin presented state decorations to military units as part of the expanded meeting of the Defence Ministry Board.

Vladimir Putin's Address to Defense Ministry Board

Vladimir Putin: "new systems of weapons (Avangard, Sarmat, Kinzhal, Peresvet) will provide food for thought to those who are used to militaristic and aggressive rhetoric."

"The US leadership’s statements about withdrawing from the INF Treaty are a source of major concern for us."

Vladimir Putin Marks Birthday of Yury Temirkanov

Vladimir Putin attended a gala concert of the 19th Arts Square International Winter Festival marking the birthday of the artistic director of the Dmitry Shostakovich St Petersburg Academic Philharmonia Yury Temirkanov, December 15, 2018.

Putin's Remarks at Presidential Council for Culture and Art in St Peters...

Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art in St Petersburg on December 15, 2018.

Sergey Lavrov's Remarks on Preparations for Elections in Syria

President Putin Fulfills the Desire of Artyom Palyanov (Dream With Me Ch...

Vladimir Putin met with Artyom Palyanov, a boy who dreams of catching a bird's eye view of St Petersburg, as well as his brother and father. The President promised to make his dream come true, St Petersburg, December 15, 2018.

Prior to the meeting of the Council for Culture and Art Vladimir Putin met with Artyom, his father and brother. The President wished them a happy upcoming New Year. They looked at the route of the flight, after which Atryom went on a helicopter tour over the city.

On December 5, Vladimir Putin attended the International Volunteer Forum and took part in the Dream with Me charity project. Any forum participant could pick an envelope and make one dream come true. The President took the remaining envelopes with Artyom Palyanov’s letter among others, and promised to make his dream come true.

Putin's Speech at ProyeKTOriya National Career Guidance Forum

Vladimir Putin attended the Breakthrough Directions open lesson held as part of the ProyeKTOriya national career guidance forum.

Vladimir Putin Opens Year of Theater in Russia

Vladimir Putin spoke at the opening of the Year of Theater in Russia. The ceremony was held at the F. Volkov Russian Drama Theater in Yaroslavl.

Vladimir Putin Visits Volkov's Theater in Yaroslavl (Meeting with Actors)

During his trip to Yaroslavl, the President Putin visited the F. Volkov Russian Drama Theater and will meet with theatrical figures.

Vladimir Putin Chairs Pobeda (Victory) Organising Committee

Vladimir Putin chaired the 40th meeting of the Pobeda (Victory) Organising Committee at the Kremlin.

Vladimir Putin Presents Awards for Human Rights and Charity Work

In the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin presented national awards for outstanding achievements in human rights and charity work.

Vladimir Putin Marks 25th Anniversary of Russian Constitution

Vladimir Putin attended a reception at the Kremlin to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Russian Federation Constitution.

Lavrov’s Address to Fund for Supporting and Protecting the Rights of Com...

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Fund for Supporting and Protecting the Rights of Compatriots Living Abroad.

Vladimir Putin's Remarks at Human Rights Council

Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights.

Unveiling Ceremony for Monument to Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Moscow

Vladimir Putin attended the unveiling ceremony for a monument to Alexander Solzhenitsyn in Moscow’s Tagansky District on the 100th anniversary of the writer’s birth.

The bronze monument sitting on a granite pedestal was designed by National Artist of Russia Andrei Kovalchuk. His project won the architecture and sculpture tender held in 2017 by the Union of Moscow Architects at the initiative of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn House of Russian Expatriate Community, with the support of the Ministry of Culture.

Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Norilsk Nickel CEO Vladimir Potanin

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Potanin, nature protection is among your priorities, as far as I remember. I know that you are working on this. Let us begin with this subject.

Norilsk Nickel President and Chairman of the Management Board Vladimir Potanin: You are right, Mr President. We are paying much attention to the environmental problems we have inherited [from the past]. As I told you before, we will have resolved these problems by 2023 by reducing the amount of sulphur dioxide emissions by 75 percent.

We will produce sulphuric acid by neutralising the sulphur emissions based on Russian technology and store the output in a safe place.

We will invest some 150 billion rubles in this programme, which is a great deal for us. We hope to receive financial assistance from the state for the implementation of this programme.

We are working together with the authorities, including the federal government and regional bodies, which understand and support us.

We are not being idle. In 2016, we shut down our oldest nickel plant [in Norilsk], which was built back in 1942.

It stood within city limits and hence did the greatest damage to the environment. [By closing it,] we have reduced the emissions by 30–35 percent.

This year we have launched a new project at our copper plant. It is the second oldest and the second most obsolete plant, which means we have entered the second environmental protection phase.

Next year we will launch the third and final phase at our largest and most modern Nadezhda plant.

Overall, we will implement the requirements of the regulatory bodies and the state and will report on this in 2023.

But we would like the people to feel the effects of our programme much sooner. The air in the city no longer smells of sulphur so much now that we have shut down the copper plant.

When we complete the project at our other copper plant, the air pollution problem in the city will be settled, and we will only need to report on air pollution throughout the region.

It should be pointed out that we have reduced emissions to the permissible level at Kola MMC, which is our second largest production unit. We will further half the emissions by 2020 by completing a modernisation programme there.

This will have the greatest effect on the cities for which we are responsible, because these are mostly single-industry cities where we are the only employer.

But they are located on the border with Norway and Finland, so that our neighbours will have to admit that we are dealing with environmental matters and will not pollute their territories, for example.

Vladimir Putin: As far as I know, you are using the latest methods to solve these problems, including the advantages of the digital economy. What exactly are you using?

Vladimir Potanin: Yes, we are working energetically to introduce digital technology at our plants. You know, Mr President, five or seven years ago we never thought this would be possible.

Our labour efficiency enhancement programmes are largely based on digital technology.

It allows us to pinpoint and deal with any flaws in the technological process, improve the quality of output, as well as enhancing labour efficiency and robotising management work.

I must say I believe that our company will dramatically change within five or seven years. There will be fewer people doing hazardous jobs and even fully robotised workshops, and we will learn to take more care of the natural resources, which we are developing under state licences.

We have started an ambitious retraining programme, because we will need personnel for different kinds of jobs.

I believe that we will accomplish all of this at our company, and I know that many other companies in the country are doing the same. Therefore, we hope that our technology will find a market, just as we hope to be able to use other Russian companies’ technology.

Vladimir Putin: What are the overall indicators for this year?

Vladimir Potanin: The overall performance indicators remained steady compared to last year, while the output of metals increased by three or four percent, and profitability was also steady, and even improved.

If you allow me, I would like to say a few words about one of the aspects related to the use of digital technology. As a matter of fact, there are dozens of digital initiatives underway across the group.

I am especially delighted that these are grassroots initiatives promoted by rank-and-file IT staff and technology experts working on the ground and coming up with initiatives designed to streamline operations in various fields of technology.

Even though we have only a couple dozens of initiatives in the budget and the business plan, the first pilot projects have already produced returns worth millions of rubles.

Vladimir Putin: How do you motivate people to engage in initiatives of this kind?

Vladimir Potanin: We give a share of the overall returns to the enterprises so that they can award their employees, and another share of returns is placed at their disposal to further promote initiatives of this kind.

All in all, we enable enterprises to award people for the positive effect they help to produce, while also facilitating the emergence of solutions that bring about these positive outcomes.

We give 25 percent of the returns to the workers, and another 10 percent go toward innovative technology. In our view, this approach has been quite effective so far.

Vladimir Putin: What is the average pay at the company?

Vladimir Potanin: The average pay is over 90,000 rubles, which is one of the highest indicators for this sector.

In addition to this, we offer social benefits that are quite generous. In particular, we help people move to the “mainland” from Norilsk.

This year, we introduced new benefits for our workers when we signed a new collective labour arrangement. It now provides for healthcare services.

I have to acknowledge that we have been paying relatively little attention to these matters recently. We understood that we have to pay more attention to preventing and treating occupational illnesses, also taking into consideration the harsh climate conditions.

For this reason, we decided to reshape the entire corporate healthcare framework, as well as set up additional health centres with the necessary equipment and staff. We set a priority goal of achieving progress within three or four years in the prevention and treatment of occupational and other illnesses.

Vladimir Putin: But what about the performance in terms of output figures?

Vladimir Potanin: We produce over 200,000 tonnes of nickel, and over 350,000 tonnes of copper. This year, palladium and platinum output were also near all-time highs due to high market demand on the back of tougher environmental regulations. Consequently, more and more global car manufacturers need palladium and platinum for making emission control catalysts. For this reason, these processes make us quite optimistic.

The current investment programme is quite unprecedented with plans to invest more than $12 billion in expanding output. This is a major breakthrough, Mr President, since for many years we have been focusing on maintaining output rather than increasing it.

The tenor of ore is declining, so maintaining output levels is quite a challenge, since we have to extract more ore. With this new investment programme we will promote a transition from maintaining output to a growth strategy.

This programme runs through 2023–2024, by which time the output of commodity-grade metals will have increased by between 20–25 percent with a 1.5-fold increase in ore output. Our entire investment programme has been designed to deliver on this objective.

Vladimir Putin Wishes Happy 80th Birthday to Yury Temirkanov

Vladimir Putin wished a happy 80th birthday to professor, People’s Artist of the USSR, recipient of two State Prizes, Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the St Petersburg State Philharmonic Orchestra Yury Temirkanov.

“It would not be an exaggeration to say that everyone who values and loves classical music and takes pride in the unique traditions of the national orchestra-conducting school knows about your unique and generous talent.

While heading the best symphony orchestras in the world, you are making the cultural life of Russia and the world brighter and more packed and promoting wonderful educational and charitable projects.

And, of course, you invariably provide audiences with unforgettable experiences during encounters with lofty art.”

Khabar's Maya Bekbayeva Interview with Sergey Lavrov

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Khabar Agency, Kazakhstan, for Maya Bekbayeva’s project The Era of Revival, Moscow, December 9, 2018.

Sergey Lavrov’s Remarks at OSCE Ministerial Council in Milan

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 25th OSCE Ministerial Council, Milan, December 6, 2018.

United Russia Party Congress 2018

Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary meeting of the 18th United Russia party congress. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, chairman of United Russia, also made a speech at the meeting.

The congress delegates identified the challenges and priorities in the party’s work for the coming year.

Vladimir Putin Answers Media Questions After the Volunteer of Russia 201...

Vladimir Putin Attends the Dream With Me Charity Project

During his visit to the International Volunteer Forum, Vladimir Putin got acquainted with the “Dream with me” charitable project, in which volunteers fulfill the cherished wishes of children and elderly people with life-threatening diseases.

Vladimir Putin Congratulates Russian Volunteers

On Wednesday, December 5, 2018, in Moscow, Vladimir Putin attended the Volunteer of Russia 2018 award ceremony held on the International Volunteer Day.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...