, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: July 2019

2019 Main Russian Naval Parade on the Neva River in St. Petersburg

On Navy Day, President Putin partipates in the Main Naval Parade that took place on the Neva River in St. Petersburg.

Navy personnel from the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific fleets and the Caspian Flotilla, as well as various ships and cutters along with a Navy aviation group, took part in the parade.

"The heroism of our mariners, the talent of naval commanders and shipbuilders, the courage of scientists and the bravery of explorers – this has all brought glory to Russia as a great naval power. We will not simply preserve this status; we will move beyond it. We will build a fleet with unique capabilities, focused on a long-term historical perspective – the fleet of a strong and sovereign nation."

Earlier today, the President sailed on board the cutter Raptor around combat ships gathered in parade formation in the inner harbor of Kronstadt and greeted the crews. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Navy Commander-in-Chief Nikolai Yevmenov accompanied the President.

Putin Shares Impressions of the Submarine Underwater Trip

President Putin shared his impressions with reporters after inspecting a submarine that sank during the Great Patriotic War.

Putin's Trip in the Submersible Craft

President Putin inspected the Sch-308 Semga, which sank during the Great Patriotic War. The trip in the submersible craft to the depth of 50 metres lasted about an hour.

The President attended the placement of a memorial plaque at the site of the submarine disaster. The lights were dimmed after that and the ceremony participants honoured the memory of the perished submariners with a minute of silence.

Prior to the submersion, head of the expedition Bowing to the Ships of the Great Victory Konstantin Bogdanov told the President about the struggle of the Soviet submariners against the Nazi invaders in the Baltic Sea and about the fate of the Sch-308.

Vladimir Putin also saw the map of the Baltic Sea with marks of the sites where Soviet submarines were lost, and a diagram of the current condition of the Sch-308.

The Sch-308 Semga submarine took position in the area of the Finnish island of Uto in the Baltic Sea in September 1942. Its commander later reported the destruction of the enemy’s three transport vessels. However, the Semga sustained damage and did not come back from the mission.

During the May 2018 expedition Bowing to the Ships of the Great Victory, the hull of the submarine was discovered when the underwater sonar was scanning the seabed to the north of Bolshoi Tyuters Island. The submarine was identified to have sunk due to an explosion of a German mine. All of the 40-man crew died.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...