, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russian Embassy In Estonia Blasts Ex-Waffen SS Gathering

Russian Embassy In Estonia Blasts Ex-Waffen SS Gathering

Estonian Minister of Justice Urmas Reinsalu earlier welcomed the convention participants on his Facebook

TALLINN, July 30. The Russian Embassy in Estonia has denounced the gathering of Waffen-SS stormtroopers that took place in this country, the embassy said on Facebook on Monday.
"To our regret, Estonia continues the degrading practice of glorifying ex Waffen-SS members," the report says.

"On July 28 this year another gathering of former SS-men took place in the village of Sinimae, and representatives for some Estonian parliamentary parties, the current minister and activists from ultranationalist organizations honored them."

The Russian Embassy in Estonia specified in a conversation with TASS that Estonian Minister of Justice Urmas Reinsalu earlier welcomed the convention participants on his Facebook.

"We note that there can be no excuse for the glorification of the Waffen-SS criminals," the Russian embassy said in the statement.

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