, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Vladimir Putin will take part in Russian Energy Week International Forum

Vladimir Putin will take part in Russian Energy Week International Forum

On October 3, the President will take part in the plenary session of the second Russian Energy Week Energy Efficiency and Energy Development International Forum to be held from October 3 to October 6 in Moscow.

The theme of the discussion is sustainable energy for the changing world. TV presenter and special correspondent of PBS NewsHour Ryan Chilcote will be the moderator of the plenary session.

The forum will be attended by representatives of the world’s largest international companies and organisations and leading experts. About 60 business events will take place within the official programme.

On the sidelines of the Russian Energy Week, Vladimir Putin will also meet with OPEC Secretary General Mohammad Barkindo.

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