, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Vladimir Putin Visits Moscow State University

Vladimir Putin Visits Moscow State University

Vladimir Putin visited the historical building of Moscow State University at Mokhovaya Street ahead of Russian Students Day.

During his visit to the MSU Museum of Anthropology, the President was shown the veil from the reliquary of St Zosima of Solovki (died on April 17, 1478), a co-founder of the Solovetsky Monastery. The image embroidered in gold thread on gold cloth was found in the museum’s collection in 2017 and subsequently restored at the Grabar Art Conservation Centre. According to the centre’s experts, the veil was manufactured at the turn of the 19th century. A similar veil of St Zosima made in 1661 is kept in the collection of the State Russian Museum in St Petersburg.

Vladimir Putin also met with MSU students, who showed him their designs for a digital culture and education centre for students and for the National Student Theatre Festival. They also told the President about the LANAT School Research Laboratory, which aims to encourage talented children to get involved in research projects.

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