, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Female Mounted Police Hosts Russian President Ahead of International Wom...

Female Mounted Police Hosts Russian President Ahead of International Wom...

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the 1st Operational Police Regiment of the Interior Ministry Main Department for Moscow at the invitation of female mounted and tourist police officers ahead of International Women’s Day.

The President was informed about the history, equipment, performance and duties of the mounted and tourist police.

After that Vladimir Putin watched an equestrian show, met a retired police lieutenant colonel, Great Patriotic War veteran Oraz Mamraliyev and talked to the women serving in the regiment.

The President extended his greetings to the female police officers on International Women's Day and noted that the unit in which they serve is unique. There are more than 800 officers in the regiment, one-third of them women.

Vladimir Putin presented an Orlov Trotter to the regiment. They reciprocated by giving the President a horseshoe for luck.

The 1st Operational Regiment was established to maintain order and public safety during major events and to patrol the city’s park belt on horseback, and also as a rapid deployment unit to deal with violations of public order by groups of people. The regiment comprises the 1st and 2nd Mounted Police Battalions and the 3rd Tourist Police Battalion.

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