, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Opens Memory Watch 2019 National Event

Putin Opens Memory Watch 2019 National Event

Presedent of Russia Vladimir Putin took part in the opening ceremony of the Memory Watch 2019 national event at the Victory Museum on Moscow’s Poklonnaya Gora.

Vladimir Putin spoke at the Memory Watch 2019 plenary meeting and learned about the Russian Search Movement’s projects, including the Frontline Portrait: A Soldier’s Destiny, which presents 27 portraits of Red Army soldiers that were painted at the frontline.

This nationwide event, due to last until April 6, will involve over 250 representatives of search associations from 82 Russian regions. They will discuss preparations for celebrating the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the implementation of the state patriotic education programme for young people and the organisation of search projects in 2019.

Memory Watch 2019 includes a number of events, such as search expeditions, caring for military burial sites, holding exhibitions and patriotic events linked with perpetuating the memory of the Motherland’s defenders who were killed in action.

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