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Putin Greets 2019 International Army Games

President Putin greeted participants and guests of Fifth International Army Games.

International Army Games are annual competitions that define the strongest military specialists from Russia and foreign countries in 32 military contests.

International Army Games will be held in ten countries: Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and Uzbekistan. More 6,000 participants are expected.
The final stages of the International Army Games 2019 will be held from 3 to 17 August.

The International Army Games is a Russian military sports event organized by the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The annual International Army Games, which have taken place since August 2015, involve close to 30 countries battling it out in dozens of competitions over two weeks to prove which nation has the most military might. The games have been referred to as the War Olympics. In addition to the competition, the International Army Games includes a military theme park, a recruitment station, and souvenir shops.

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