, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Another Show Of Senator Zhirinovsky: 'Take Biden & Trump Down!'

Another Show Of Senator Zhirinovsky: 'Take Biden & Trump Down!'

The leader of the Russian Liberal Democrats, Senator Vladimir Zhirinovsky, once again surprised everyone with a statement on candidates for the US presidency, which was announced by a young representative of the Liberal Democratic Party in the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Wednesday.

The Russian senator doubts the sanity of both candidates. He proposes to hold a protest in front of the US Embassy in Moscow under the slogan "Take Biden and Trump down!"

This news was presented by Reuters, but the video was presented only by our channel - an exclusive, so to speak.

On Saturday, fortunately or not, the rally was canceled due to restrictions on the coronavirus threat.
Friends, in Russia everyone is already accustomed to the data of Mr. Zhirinovsky's show and considers his performances only as a spectacle. However, as practice shows, in many cases he turns out to be right.

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