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Putin Wishes Happy 2021 New Year To Nation

The trials of life are unavoidable, but they urge one and all to turn an attentive ear to the voice of conscience, to brush off vanity and to focus on the matters of the greatest importance, Vladimir Putin said in his New Year address to the nation.

True, the formidable novel coronavirus has changed and turned upside down the customary mode of life, work and studies, it forced a revision of and amendments to many plans. In our world, the trials of life are unavoidable. They urge us to turn an attentive ear to the voice of conscience, to brush off vanity and to focus on the matters of the greatest importance, Putin said.

He added that he was referring to "the gift of human life, the family, our mothers and fathers, our grandpas and grandmas, our children - both little kids and grown-ups - our friends and colleagues, disinterested assistance and the common energy of acts of kindness - large-scale deeds of national importance and small ones, too, within each neighborhood, street and house, but nevertheless no less significant.

Putin said that today it is very important to have faith in oneself, not to retreat in the face of hardships, and to take care of our unity, which is the basis for our successes in the future.

Putin wishes Happy New Year to several former presidents, prime ministers. When serving as president and prime minister, Putin had many conversations with these colleagues, sharing friendship with many of them.

The Kremlin clarified that the wishes were communicated to ex-Prime Ministers of Japan and Italy Shinzo Abe and Silvio Berlusconi, former US President George Bush, former Presidents of Armenia Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan, ex-Prime Minister of Italy and former President of the European Commission Romano Prodi, ex-President of France Nicolas Sarkozy, former Prime Minister of France Francois Fillon, ex-President of Finland Tarja Halonen, former King of Spain Juan Carlos I and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder.

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