, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Remarks On Trump's Presidency

Putin's Remarks On Trump's Presidency

Vladimir Putin spoke about the pros and cons of Donald Trump's presidency in relation for Russian-American relations. It seems that the current owner of the White House has disappointed the Russian leader, since there were more minuses than pluses.

The US policy of a two-party conspiracy aimed at containing Russia's development, Putin said, prevented Trump from fulfilling his 2016 promises to develop US-Russia relations.

In addition, the current administration has set a record number (46) of anti-Russian sanctions!

The Russian leader noted the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty and Open Skies Treaty negatively affecting global security.

On a positive note, President Putin described the strange growth in trade between the two countries, which would seem to contradict the rise in the number of anti-Russian sanctions.

The second and last positive moment for Russian-US relations, Putin considers the joint mutually beneficial work of Moscow and Washington to stabilize energy markets.

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