, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Aliyev Notes Importance Of Unblocking Karabakh Transport Highways

Aliyev Notes Importance Of Unblocking Karabakh Transport Highways

According to Ilham Aliyev, the unblocking of transport arteries in Karabakh will benefit not only Azerbaijan itself, but all neighboring countries and will become a guarantor of stable development and security of the region.

On the whole, the Azerbaijani leader is satisfied with the result of the November 10 peace agreement on Nagorno-Karabakh. He noted a couple of minor incidents of violation of the cessation of hostilities regime and praised the actions of the Russian peacekeepers.
The Azerbaijani President stressed the importance of today's talks for the restoration of the infrastructure of Karabakh (bearing in mind all the same roads). He called for leaving the conflict behind and starting to live in the future.

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