, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Invited Aliyev & Pashinyan To Discuss New Steps On Karabakh Settle...

Putin Invited Aliyev & Pashinyan To Discuss New Steps On Karabakh Settle...

Putin called on Aliyev and Pashinyan to resolve issues related to the activities of the peacekeeping contingent, clarification of demarcation lines, humanitarian problems and the protection of cultural heritage sites.

The Russian President stated that the agreements on Karabakh are being consistently implemented, this creates preconditions for the settlement of the long-standing conflict on a just basis in the interests of the Armenian and Azerbaijani peoples.
Vladimir Putin stressed that Russia values the partnership and good-neighborly relations linking all three countries. And he expressed regret that large-scale hostilities led to significant human casualties and aggravated the already difficult situation in the Caucasus, increased the risks of the spread of terrorism.
The Russian leader thanked Aliyev and Pashinyan for the fact that they positively perceived Russia's active mediating actions aimed at stopping the bloodshed and stabilizing the situation.
Putin also noted that at the request of the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides, a Russian peacekeeping contingent was deployed to monitor the observance of the ceasefire on the contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the Lachin corridor.
According to the Russian president, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh remains calm, 48,000 refugees have already returned to the region.
According to him, with the mediation of Russia, the exchange of prisoners and bodies of the dead was carried out. In addition, the International Center for Humanitarian Response is successfully operating, within the framework of which pressing issues related to the establishment of a normal life in settlements, the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure, and the protection of historical, religious and cultural monuments are being resolved.
Following talks in the Kremlin lasted almost four hours, Putin, Aliyev and Pashinyan signed a statement on new steps to develop infrastructure projects in Karabakh.

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