, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Opens Transport Interchange Near Moscow

Putin Opens Transport Interchange Near Moscow

Vladimir Putin participates in the opening ceremony of transport interchange at the intersection of the M10 Rossiya motorway and Repin Street in Khimki. The city near Moscow was, in fact, divided into two parts by the Leningradskoye Highway and the Oktyabrskaya Railway. Traffic jams are common there, not even during rush hour, and the issue has not been resolved for years.

Back in April 2019, one of the employees of the Energomash research and production association in Khimki, which the head of state was visiting at the time, complained about this problem to the president. The girl said that due to the traffic collapse, the company is losing good specialists.
The flyover was built at the Putin’s instruction under the national project Safe and High-Quality Motorways. The interchange is to link the city’s “old” and “new” districts and make its industrial sector more accessible.
The transport interchange has an area of about 40,000 square metres. The carriageway has two to five lanes, and allows a maximum vehicle speed of 70 kph.
Vladimir Putin had a short talk with the construction participants and the girl who raised this issue a year ago.

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