, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Will Provide SPUTNIK V To Everyone

Putin Will Provide SPUTNIK V To Everyone

Speaking to leading Russian scientists, on Monday, Vladimir Putin said that technological progress must serve the people and be widely available. He emphasized that thanks to researchers, Russia is in the lead in the world in the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus. In addition, Russia is the only country that has three vaccines of its own design. The President called the achievements of Russian science a great success. However, the most important, according to Putin, was the possibility of widespread vaccination. The joint efforts of researchers, domestic companies and the state have allowed people in Russia and elsewhere in the world to benefit from this scientific breakthrough

Italy can and should start vaccinations with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine, the head of the Rome Institute of Infectious Diseases said after the authoritative scientific journal Lancet praised the drug. Already 21 countries have approved Sputnik V.
Hungary has made all the necessary decisions at the national level to start vaccination. In the Czech Republic, the law allows you to do the same, but there they hope that first the go-ahead will be given at the level of the entire European Union.
Prime Minister of Slovakia said that the country is ready not only to produce Sputnik V, but also to provide them with Europe. However, the ex-head of parliament claims that the production of the drug in Slovakia is not so simple, it is better to ask for supplies from Russia.
For other countries, the vaccine is produced according to our technology, but at foreign enterprises.

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