, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russian Diplomatic Workers’ Day 2021

Russian Diplomatic Workers’ Day 2021

Today the professional holiday is celebrated by people who defend the interests of Russia in the international arena. 

Vladimir Putin congratulated the employees and veterans of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Diplomatic Workers’ Day. The President stressed that Russian diplomats are making a significant contribution to strengthening peace on the planet and to solving the most important global and regional problems.

Largely thanks to the active and consistent actions of the Foreign Ministry, it was possible to achieve stabilization of the situation in a number of hot spots, to ensure constructive cooperation with most foreign partners.
Also, in the building on Smolenskaya Square, Sergey Lavrov laid flowers at the memorial plaques in memory of the killed employees of the Foreign Ministry. According to the Minister, the strength, knowledge and experience of Russian diplomats, relying on the wisdom of their predecessors, must be used in the most active way for the persistent advancement of the country's interests.
Meanwhile, in Washington, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov traditionally laid a wreath at the grave of the 19th century Russian diplomat Alexander Bodisko. In total, he remained ambassador to the United States for 17 years and set a tenure record that was broken only in Soviet times by Anatoly Dobrynin.
Antonov noted that the positive experience of predecessors should be used in modern work, including in establishing a constructive dialogue with Washington. According to the Ambassador, Russia is ready to negotiate strategic stability with the new US administration. There is no time for quarrels. Critical issues need to be addressed, including those related to the pandemic.

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