, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Response To Biden's Insult 'Killer VS Senile'

Putin's Response To Biden's Insult 'Killer VS Senile'

Vladimir Putin wished his American counterpart Joseph Biden good health in response to his insults in a television interview with George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday, and also expressed his readiness to hold an online discussion with him as soon as possible.

Interviewed on the ABC network Biden said that the Russian leadership would have to pay a price for Moscow’s alleged attempts to interfere in the US election. Also, he replied in the affirmative, when asked if he regarded Putin as a "killer".

So, Putin was asked to comment on the offensive statements of the American president during a meeting with representatives of the Crimean public, dedicated to the 7th anniversary of the reunification of the peninsula with Russia. The President wished his opponent health, apparently referring to mental health. In any case, it turned out quite amusing, considering that the killer (according to Biden) wishes the "whistleblower" health.
Further, Dr. Vladimir conducts an absentee psychoanalysis of Joe patient and insists on the need for his urgent online diagnosis, from which he is carefully protected by nurse Kamala, reasonably suspecting the evil intentions of the insidious doctor.
Apparently, the insidious Kremlin's villain knows how to poison the victim with the power of thought. How else to explain the behavior of the poor fellow from the White House?
We will all, willingly or unwillingly, be forced to follow the development of these events.

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