, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Visits Gagarin's Landing Site & Held Meeting On Space Industry Future

Putin Visits Gagarin's Landing Site & Held Meeting On Space Industry Future

On the 60th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, Vladimir Putin visited the memorial and educational complex at Yury Gagarin's landing site in the Engels District, Saratov Region.

The main theme zone of ​​the park - the landing site of Yury Gagarin - is a composition consisting of a stele and a monument to the first cosmonaut. It is surrounded by a walking path featuring pavers engraved with quotes from the pilot's communications with Earth.
Nearby is Cosmonauts Square with the marble Wall of Glory, which contains information about the planets of the solar system and the stages of development of the Soviet and Russian space programmes, including data about scientists, designers and other participants in the Vostok-1 mission. The park’s trees and bushes include a cedar alley in memory of the call sign “Kedr” (Cedar) assigned to Yury Gagarin when preparing for his orbital flight.
Vladimir Putin examined the park's display, laid flowers at the monument to Yury Gagarin, and signed the distinguished visitors’ book.
Later, President held a meeting, via videoconference, on the long-term priorities of space exploration in the Russian Federation.
In the new, 21st century, Russia must maintain its status as a leading nuclear and space power because the space industry is directly linked with defence.

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