, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Shoigu Arrives In Crimea To Observe Exercises

Shoigu Arrives In Crimea To Observe Exercises

Sergei Shoigu arrived in Crimea, where the main stage of the mixed exercise of the troops of the Southern Military District and the Airborne Troops, which is being conducted as part of a surprise check of combat readiness, will take place today.

Upon arrival in Crimea, Defenсe Minister flew around the areas where troops and military equipment were deployed, checked the readiness of the naval and ground groupings.
Shoigu also heard a report by the Commander of the Southern Military District, General of the Army Alexander Dvornikov, on the forthcoming actions of the troops during the exercise.
In practical actions of troops at the Opuk training ground, units of the combined arms army, air force and air defenсe formations, warships and ships, military units of the coastal forces of the Black Sea Fleet, part of the forces of the Caspian Flotilla of the Southern Military District, as well as airborne units will take part.
On the eve, troops (forces) involved in the exercise were transferred to the concentration areas. The grouping of ships of the Black Sea Fleet and part of the forces of the Caspian Flotilla entered the area of the event. The personnel and military equipment of the Airborne Troops division were loaded onto the planes of the military transport aviation, they departed to the designated area. The loading of the Marine Corps units on large landing ships and landing boats was carried out. The forces and assets of coastal troops, air defence and anti-ship missile systems are deployed in designated areas.
The Opuk training ground is located at a distance of 60 km from Feodosia and 40 km from Kerch. Its dimensions: along the front - 30 km, in depth - 15 km. The capabilities of the training ground allow you to practice the tasks of landing troops and overcoming the anti-amphibious defence of a mock enemy, to carry out amphibious assault landing - up to two battalions of marines at the same time, to fire at coastal targets from naval artillery complexes, and also to use operational-tactical and army aviation.

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