, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: What Were Putin & Biden Talking About?

What Were Putin & Biden Talking About?

On Tuesday, telephone conversation initiated by the United States took place between Vladimir Putin and Joseph Biden.

The current state of Russia-US relations and certain pressing items on the international agenda were discussed in detail. Joseph Biden confirmed the previously transmitted invitation to the President of Russia to take part in the virtual Leaders Summit on Climate, which will be held on April 22–23.
Both presidents expressed their willingness to continue the dialogue on the critical areas of ensuring global security, which would meet the interests not only of Russia and the United States, but the entire international community. In addition, Joseph Biden expressed interest in normalising the state of affairs on the bilateral track and establishing stable and predictable interaction on pressing matters such as ensuring strategic stability and arms control, Iran’s nuclear programme, the situation in Afghanistan, and global climate change.
In this context, the US President suggested considering the possibility of holding a personal summit meeting in the foreseeable future.
When exchanging views on the internal Ukrainian crisis, Vladimir Putin outlined approaches to a political settlement based on the Minsk Package of Measures.
It was agreed to instruct the relevant departments to work through the issues raised during the telephone conversation.

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