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Europe Honors Memory Of Soviet Soldiers

In Europe, it so happened, Victory Day is celebrated on May 8. When the act of surrender of Germany was signed that day in 1945, it was already past midnight on May 9 in Moscow.

This year, due to the pandemic, everything is not so large-scale, and nevertheless, in France, there is a national ceremony on the Champs Elysees. It was headed by President Emmanuel Macron. And in Montpellier, wreaths were laid at the graves of Soviet partisan soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of France.
Germany honored the memory of those who fell during the storming of Berlin. The Victory Banner over the memorial, where more than 13 thousand soldiers and officers of the Red Army are buried, and over the famous Treptower Park, was raised into the sky on his plane by German Thomas Hennig. In Prague, flowers and wreaths were laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. President Milos Zeman attended the ceremony.
Well, in Ukraine, on the eve of May 9, members of the Victory Regiment movement are putting in order the graves of Soviet soldiers, just like in Zaporozhye. And they visit the veterans. This project was named so: "As long as we remember - we are alive."

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