, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Attends Easter Service At Cathedral Of Christ The Savior

Putin Attends Easter Service At Cathedral Of Christ The Savior

The main Easter Service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was conducted by Patriarch Kirill. Among the thousands of parishioners were President Vladimir Putin and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

The believers were holding candles in their hands, lit from a particle of the blessed fire. The night before, he was taken by special plane to Vnukovo airport. And from there the fire was transferred to 25 cities of Russia. One of the lamps was brought to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior just in time for the beginning of the service.
Traditionally, during the night liturgy, priests change their white robes for red ones. Icons are also decorated with red flowers. It is both the color of the blood shed by Jesus and of life triumphant over death. With the onset of the bright holiday of Easter, the Patriarch congratulated the Orthodox. He wished all Orthodox Christians physical and spiritual health. And also getting rid of COVID-19, which has become a global threat.
Vladimir Putin, also congratulated everyone who celebrates the Bright Resurrection of Christ on Easter. The text was distributed today by the Kremlin press service.
The President, in particular, spoke about the enormous moral significance of the Easter holiday. He, according to the head of state, awakens faith, hope and the desire to help others. Vladimir Putin also noted the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in promoting high ideals in society and solving social problems.
The Great Lent, which the Orthodox Christians held for seven weeks, ended today. And according to church canons, you can gather for a festive meal even at night, right after the service.
Easter Sunday is just the beginning of the celebrations. They will last a whole week. This is the time when the royal gates in church altars are opened and all the bells are rung, spreading the endless joy of the Resurrection of Christ throughout the world.

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