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Putin Rejects Compulsory Vaccination In Russia

Inoculation against the coronavirus infection should not be compulsory, yet people themselves should realize the necessity of these jabs, Vladimir Putin noted at a video meeting on economic issues on Wednesday in Sochi.

The fact is that despite the creation of several of its own coronavirus vaccines, the Russian vaccination rate leaves much to be desired. Only about 10% of the country's population has been vaccinated with the first component at the moment. Russia is only in 11th place in this indicator.
It is in this regard that different opinions are expressed about the introduction of compulsory vaccination against coronavirus. Someone speaks about this in relation to the entire population of the country, someone means workers of certain specialties, spheres - those who, by the nature of their work, are in contact with a large number of people.
Putin is confident in the reliability and safety of the Russian coronavirus vaccines and believes that the country has created all the conditions for vaccination.

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