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Russian Black Sea Fleet Day 2021

The Russian Black Sea Fleet was founded on May 13, 1783 by order of Empress Catherine II. Then the first 11 ships entered the bay in the south-west of Crimea, and the personnel were less than 14 thousand people.
How are security in the south of the country ensured today?

The main weapon of the battleship is the high-precision cruise missiles Caliber. They are capable of hitting targets at a distance of more than 3000 kilometers with an accuracy of 1m. Today, they are in service with the frigates Admiral Makarov, Admiral Essen and Admiral Grigorovich. The fleet today is dozens of warships that carry out their missions around the world.
From land, Russia's southern borders are guarded by the formidable Bal, Bastion and S-400 missile systems.
The fleet celebrates its 238th birthday with a historic event. After a long renovation, the flagship of the fleet, the Moscow cruiser, is firing Vulcan rockets for the first time.
The sky over the Crimea is reliably protected by naval aviation.
The history of the fleet remembers the heroes, during the Great Patriotic War alone, 200 sailors received the highest military award.
The Black Sea Fleet is developing together with its sailors. Every year it is replenished with new ships. And 2021 will be no exception.

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