, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Swifts Aerobatic Team Marks 30th Anniversary

Swifts Aerobatic Team Marks 30th Anniversary

The Swifts aerobatics team turns 30.

The band's official birthday is May 6, 1991, when it first performed at an aviation show called "Swifts".
In October 1991, the Swifts performed for the first time abroad at the Uppsala airbase in Sweden, and in May 1992, a group of 6 MiG-29s amazed French spectators with their skill at a celebration dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Normandie-Niemen squadron.
In subsequent years, Swifts with dignity represented the aviation of our country in Malaysia, Belgium, Thailand, Hungary, Holland, Bulgaria, USA, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates.
In 1993, the Swifts aerobatic team was awarded the title of "The Best Aerobatic Team in the World". In 2004, the complex of demonstrations included a joint flight of the Swifts and Russian Knights aerobatic teams consisting of nine aircraft (5 Su-27 and 4 MiG-29) in the "rhombus" formation with the implementation of a full complex of aerobatics. This fact in itself became a world record in the history of aviation. This nine is called the "Cuban diamond". It is in this formation that the Swifts take part in the air parade over Red Square on May 9.

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