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Figure Skating Legend Tamara Moskvina's Birthday

Today, the legend of figure skating and the best coach of sports couples in the world Tamara Moskvina celebrates her birthday.

A fragile woman with an unbending character and willpower, she can rightfully be called the creator of the ice factory of figure skating stars.
In his congratulatory telegram, Vladimir Putin noted that exceptional efficiency, a creative approach to business and an invariably positive attitude helped Tamara Nikolaevna to become a bright, successful athlete, to fully realize herself in the coaching field.
Even while resting, the honored coach still thinks about work. But in her group today, obviously, the two best couples in the world. At the Championship in Stockholm - gold and silver. Although Moskvina never sets the task of being the first by all means, her position is simply to be better every day than yesterday. After all, Moskvina, back in the 50s, when she was a loner, invented that very rotation with a raised leg, which would later be called Biellmann, after the name of the Swiss figure skater.
After the single skating there was pair skating. Together with Alexei Mishin, they took the gold of the world championship. Together they left the ice. But their duet would not have worked out without Igor Moskvin - first the coach, and then the husband, with whom they became rivals on the ice. Their pairs on the ice fought among themselves. Moskvin against Moskvina. Therefore, the spouses were almost one step away from the break. But Tamara Nikolaevna - a real diplomat, figure skating strategist - will always find a way out.
Her skaters understand this sign well: if there is a rattle in their hands, then the coach is happy. She never forces her students to work by force and never even raised voice.
The most successful coach of sports couples in the world always says: the main thing is not to give up. As it was in 2002, when the well-deserved gold of Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze, due to an alleged judicial error, they shared with the Canadians. It was also her decision, so that the two championship pairs would first skate together on the ice, and then climb the podium together. And now, 20 years later, she is again before the main start.
And after all, her energy is enough for everyone who is near. As if a perpetual motion machine rushes forward. It seems that there are not 24 hours in her day, but much more. Such is the rhythm of life, which once she set herself to herself.

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