, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Greets Russian Medical Workers

Putin Greets Russian Medical Workers

Vladimir Putin on Saturday congratulated medical workers and veterans of the Russian healthcare system on the Medical Worker Day.

For all citizens, this is, first of all, an opportunity to convey heartfelt greetings to those who have dedicated their lives to a great and noble mission - to heal people, to protect the most valuable thing - the life and health of people.
This vocation requires special moral virtues: mercy and generosity, and sometimes true courage, as well as a willingness to risk one's own life for the sake of others.
Many of the doctors are on duty that day literally at combat posts. They are constantly and around the clock fighting the coronavirus epidemic. They rescue critically ill patients in intensive care units and hospital red zones, as well as provide ambulance services.
All parts of the Russian public health network continue to work together. Each of the doctors acts professionally and reliably.
The President appealed to the employees of hospitals and clinics, who continue to provide people with routine care, receive patients, and carry out complex, sometimes unique operations. In the past few months, they have also worked on behalf of their colleagues who are fighting the coronavirus, and despite this burden, they are fulfilling their responsibilities with dignity. Putin is grateful for the work and service that general practitioners, medical specialists, paramedics, ambulance and ambulance brigades, employees of the medical services of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other departments, students, professors, and teachers of the department have. medical colleges and universities, as well as personnel of leading research and practical centers and public health organizations - all this is provided by the population of Russia.
Our common goal is to focus all our efforts and all resources on protecting citizens from the coronavirus and its consequences. First, the level of vaccination needs to be increased. We have everything you need for this. Russia has four of its own coronavirus vaccines, and new vaccines and drugs are under development.
'Of course, despite the complexity of the current situation, we must expand medical examination programs and provide timely medical care to patients with cardiovascular, oncological, endocrine and other diseases,' the Russian leader said.
The Russian authorities will continue to improve the quality of the public health system, including primary health care. They are aware of his failures, and to overcome them, they launched regional programs for the modernization of polyclinics, city and district hospitals, and rural medical posts. 'We will need to structure their work around innovative technologies, renovate buildings and equip them with modern medical and diagnostic equipment, including CT scanners,' Putin said.
Of course, wages are of paramount importance, commensurate with the volume of work and the responsibility of medical workers. During the pandemic, the Russian government is focusing on supporting doctors, nurses and ambulance teams that directly deal with coronavirus patients. In total, almost 1.2 million medical workers received special payments. More than 350 billion rubles have already been allocated for these purposes.

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