, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Hosts Best Military Graduates In The Kremlin

Putin Hosts Best Military Graduates In The Kremlin

In the Grand Kremlin Palace, Vladimir Putin met with the top graduates of higher military schools of the Defence and Emergencies Ministries, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Guard Service, and the National Guard.

The Kremlin invited 400 top graduates from 18 military schools, who graduated with honours and gold medals, as well as professors and heads of military education institutions.
Like many generations of the sons and daughters of the Fatherland, they devoted themselves to military service, as well as to other areas that are necessary for the confident, stable development of Russia. Graduates will continue and strengthen the legendary traditions of valor and honor, courage and patriotism, which at all times served as a reference point for the Russian officer corps.
Service in the army is, by and large, prosaic. However, the formation of a new state armaments program based on the advanced developments of leading research groups, defense research institutes and design bureaus with a planning horizon until 2034 has already begun, and its implementation will be aimed at further strengthening the country's defense capability.
Оn the walls of the Kremlin’s St George Hall, there are names of units and names of people who distinguished themselves in the armed conflicts and wars waged in the interests of the country. 'The people who served in these units committed heroic deeds in the interests of Russia without thinking that their names will be eternalised on the walls of a Kremlin hall. Certainly not.
They believed that they had been granted a great honour, namely to serve their Motherland. Live up to this honour, be worthy of our predecessors.
I wish you good luck in your difficult military work,' Putin said in conclusion.

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