, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Key Answers To NBC's Simmons

Putin Key Answers To NBC's Simmons

Russian-American relations have reached their lowest point in years, so the parties sooner or later had to agree on a new summit.

This was stated by Vladimir Putin to the NBC correspondent Keir Simmons on the eve of a meeting with his American counterpart Joe Biden.
In an interview, the text of which was published on the Kremlin's website on Monday, the Russian leader suggested looking for compromises acceptable to all, expressed his hope for cooperation with Washington in cyberspace and space, and also admitted the possibility of discussing the exchange of prisoners.
Putin also answered questions about attitudes towards the opposition and the murder charges, the international agenda and what is important to him successor in the presidency. TKS has collected the key and brightest statements of the Russian leader.


  1. Послание Pundit Путину: наночастица beam, поразившая мозг Байдена, теперь нацелена на голову Путина во время его сна. Please shield his bedroom and scrub all surfaces around him to remove nanocoating.

  2. Have you noticed the strange movements and expressions on biden's eyes. These are signs of brain aneurysm.


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