, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Ready To Extradite Cyber Criminals To US On Reciprocal Basis

Putin Ready To Extradite Cyber Criminals To US On Reciprocal Basis

Vladimir Putin in interview with the program, Moscow. Kremlin. Putin, notes that Russia is ready to extradite cyber criminals to the United States on a reciprocal basis.

Moscow has repeatedly called on Washington to sign a cybersecurity agreement that would make it possible to jointly fight in this area.
Such understandings are formalized in corresponding interstate relations where the sides assume certain commitments. In an overwhelming majority of cases, they are equitable. Both sides assume equal commitments.
These agreements also apply to the extradition of criminals. And if they are achieved, then Russia, of course, will do it, but only if the other side, in this case the United States, agrees to the same and also extradits the corresponding criminals to the Russian Federation.
Cybersecurity is one of the most pressing issues today because any disconnections of whole systems entail very grave consequences and this turns out to be possible.

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