, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Thanks Outgoing Parliamentarians For Excellent Work

Putin Thanks Outgoing Parliamentarians For Excellent Work

Vladimir Putin on Monday invited the deputies of the seventh convocation of the State Duma to the Kremlin in order to thank them in the solemn atmosphere of the St. George Hall for the legislative work done in five years and wish them good luck in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

The leadership of the Duma, according to the President, as well as all parliamentary committees and commissions acted in a coordinated and effective manner. They have developed constructive relationships with the Government, the Presidential Administration, colleagues in the Federation Council, and the regions. They have always been aimed at achieving a common result, at finding optimal solutions for each issue submitted to the parliament.
Much has been done to improve the quality of legislation and to increase the number of directly applicable laws that do not require by-laws. The practice of public discussions has been expanded due to new formats. For example, what you call them, "grandiose" parliamentary hearings, devoted to the most resonant and complex issues and problems, took place.
United Russia, CPRF, LDPR and A Just Russia have made their important and significant contribution to the common cause.
Putin noted that the work of parliamentarians did not stop during the coronavirus pandemic, which made it possible to develop and implement several packages of urgent measures aimed at overcoming the consequences of the pandemic. To do this, it was necessary to promptly adopt dozens of laws.
Some of the emergency crisis management packages that have been adopted have unlimited time frames, such as halving insurance premiums from 30 percent to 15 percent for small and medium-sized businesses.
Their work on amending the Constitution deserves special attention. MPs were among the co-chairs of the working group that prepared amendments to the Constitution, actively participated in its meetings, helped people become co-authors of the Constitution, collecting and optimizing hundreds of ideas and proposals received.
The President also thanked the deputies for their support of the initiatives set out in the Address to the Federal Assembly this year.
The leaders of all parties represented in the Duma and the deputies representing the different political forces always speak from a common and consolidated position when it comes to matters of external security and foreign policy, as well as protecting our country and our citizens’ interests.
'I am confident that Russian voters will support the parties and the candidates during the September elections, for whom serving the Motherland, the Fatherland, represents the highest value,' Putin stressed.

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