, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's International Security Address

Putin's International Security Address

Vladimir Putin's video address to the participants and guests of the 9th Moscow Conference on International Security.

The forum is dedicated to topical issues of the modern military-political agenda. Strengthening security on the planet and sustainable development of civilization depend on their solution and a productive search for effective joint responses to common challenges.
Geopolitical processes are becoming more and more turbulent, despite some positive signals. The erosion of international law also continues. Attempts to use force to push through own interests and strengthen security at the expense of the security of others continue unabated.
International terrorism, regional armed conflicts, the risks of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the activities of cross-border criminal groups, drug trafficking and cybercriminals are of serious concern.
The scale and global nature of the above problems require the joining of efforts of all states. Of course, this collective work should be based on international law and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.
The UN has been and remains the basis of the system of international relations.
Russia never imposes its will on other countries and is ready to participate in solving global and regional problems and expand creative cooperation with all countries on equal terms, using political and diplomatic methods.
Russia develops its defense potential on the basis of the principle of reasonable sufficiency, and does not strive for a decisive, unilateral military advantage or a preponderance of forces in our favor, especially in such a sensitive area as strategic stability. 'But we will never allow anyone to pull the balance over to themselves,' Putin stressed.

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