, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Remarks On Biden, Prospects For Russia-US Relations

Putin's Remarks On Biden, Prospects For Russia-US Relations

Vladimir Putin on Thursday spoke about the results of the Russian-US summit in Geneva with the graduates of the so-called school of governors. The Russian leader told the future executives about the prospects for relations with the United States and about his American counterpart:

'the image of President Biden as portrayed by our and even the US media has nothing to do with reality. We talked face to face for two hours, maybe a little more. He is completely knowledgeable on all issues; he peeked at his notes from time to time – we all do that. And the image that the media present may even be misleading and prompt one to relax concentration, but there is no reason to do this whatsoever. Mr Biden is a professional, and you need to be very careful when working with him so as not to miss something. He himself does not miss a thing, I assure you, and this was absolutely clear to me.'
The President personally (I hope you too) made me very happy by mentioning the 'funny' Jen Psaki:
'The fact that he sometimes gets confused… His press secretary is a young, educated and beautiful woman, and she gets things confused all the time herself. This is not because of her education or poor memory. It is just, you know, when people think that some things are of secondary importance, they do not really focus on them. The Americans believe that nothing is more important than them – this is their style.
The atmosphere was quite friendly, and I think, we understood each other and where we stand on key issues. We do not see eye-to-eye on many of them, and we have pinpointed these differences, but at the same time we have identified the areas or the points that we can discuss and work towards achieving more converging positions in the future.

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