, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russian Defense Calls British Destroyer Provocation Near Crimea an Epic ...

Russian Defense Calls British Destroyer Provocation Near Crimea an Epic ...

Igor Konashenkov, spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry said the British government and the Pentagon were making frantic attempts to deny the obvious, calling the Russian version of events 'disinformation.' Even after the FSB released footage of the pursuit of the ship in which Russian sailors urged the British to change course, and then they open fire towards a clearly visible British ship.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said this: 'There was no shooting at the British ship, this is just Russian disinformation. This is another example of the fact that Russia is trying to unwind events from something that did not exist.'
Members of the British government also pretend that nothing like this happened. Although the correspondent of the British state channel BBC, as you know, directly confirmed the fact of warning shooting from the Russian side. And the fact that the British sailors received the command to put on combat fire-resistant masks and gloves.
As it turned out, the idea to commit a provocation came from the British Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace. After all, soon a meeting of EU leaders was to take place, where it was decided whether to hold a summit with the participation of Russia. And one more goal is the moral support of Ukraine. According to The Telegraph, Foreign Minister Dominic Raab spoke out against. The Foreign Minister expressed fears that Moscow could allegedly use this incident to its advantage and warned about it. The dispute was eventually resolved by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who called Russia's territorial waters international.
That is, the fact of the provocation was recognized at the highest level. But the British authorities and the Pentagon cannot admit that the attempt to send an allied signal to Ukraine ended in nothing. Well, except for the fragrant stain left by British sailors in the Crimean waters when they were given to understand that everything was serious.
The Russian Ministry of Defense called on the command of the British Navy and the Pentagon not to follow the lead of the 'admirals of the mosquito fleet of Ukraine', as Konashenkov put it, but to be guided by reason in the future.

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