, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Sputnik-V Creators Promise Putin Children's COVID-19 Vaccine In September

Sputnik-V Creators Promise Putin Children's COVID-19 Vaccine In September

After the awards ceremony, Vladimir Putin talked to the laureates in an informal setting. During such informal communication, extremely important topics are often discussed. So it was this time.

With the creators of the world's first registered vaccine against coronavirus, the president spoke about why the vaccination campaign is not going as fast as it could, and also about the development of a drug for children.
Alexey Ginzburg promised to register a coronavirus vaccine for children on September 15-20. However, according to the creators of Sputnik-B, Denis Logunov and Sergei Borisevich nasal spraying of this vaccine provides effective protection for children from 8 years of age.

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