, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Winged Predators Guard The Kremlin Sky

Winged Predators Guard The Kremlin Sky

The Federal Guard Service (FSO) introduced a new "employee" on Friday. Now the snowy owl Buran is on guard of the Moscow Kremlin. Together with his companions - a falcon, a hawk and an owl - he will protect the Kremlin from the crows.

Crows scratch with their claws the gold leaf of the Kremlin domes, ravage flower beds and survive from the territory of songbirds. Winged predators came to the rescue. The sky above the Kremlin is guarded by an owl, hawks and a newcomer to the detachment - the Kremlin cadet Buran. The snowy owl has been serving for less than a year.

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