, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Donetsk Hosts Donbass Russia Integration Forum

Donetsk Hosts Donbass Russia Integration Forum

The large-scale forum was organized by representatives of United Russia and the local public organization Russian Center, which advocates strengthening ties with Russia. More than 800 participants discuss the protection of the rights of Russian-speaking residents of Donbass and the efforts that Moscow is making to support them.

The forum is attended by Donetsk People’s Republic leader Denis Pushilin, chairman of the Russian parliament committee on CIS affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Viktor Vodolatsky, coordinator of the Russia-Donbass integration committee, Russian parliamentarian Andrey Kozenko and other officials.
The participants include politicians, activists, scientists, students, representatives of organisations and movements, athletes, servicemen and delegates from the Lugansk People’s Republic and Abkhazia. The DPR leader is expected to address the forum participants.
Discussions will focus on Russia’s achievements in the key spheres of pubic life and stronger international partnership and Russia-Donbass integration; special attention will be paid to Moscow’s efforts in protecting Russian-speaking people’s rights outside the Russian state.

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