, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Advises Biden 'Switch On Your Head' And Rethink World Changes

Putin Advises Biden 'Switch On Your Head' And Rethink World Changes

The contradictions in the intentions and actions of Joe Biden in relation to Russia, according to Vladimir Putin, are due to the fact that Washington is trying to maintain its monopoly, despite the cardinal changes in the world. On the one hand, the American leadership understands this, and therefore a meeting took place in Geneva. On the other hand, they strive to maintain their monopoly at all costs. Hence the threats and further destructive behavior, including exercises, provocations and sanctions.

The Russian President drew an analogy between the leadership of the United States (in fact, President Biden) and a child: "There is a little child, who does not even talk yet, and he made a mess, so his mother told him firmly: 'Never do that again. Switch on your head.' And at that very moment he did that motion with his finger, said 'click' and switched on his head. Good job."
Conventional dads and moms in the United States, highly respected analysts, scientists and practical workers, even in the past, give advice to their political leaders and their political class that is in power in the broad sense of the word. What is this advice? They tell them the following: “Listen, the time when we were an absolute hegemon after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the period of the unipolar world is gone, and you must operate on the premise that the world is changing, and doing so rapidly.”
As an example, he cited Russia, which is developing despite all the obstacles created by the West: "No matter what sanctions are being imposed on Russia, and no matter what they do to frighten us, Russia is nonetheless making progress. Its economic sovereignty is growing, its defence capability has reached a very high level, and, in many important parameters, it has surpassed many countries, in some respects, including the United States.
In conclusion, Putin expressed the hope that Russian-American relations will return to normal.

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