, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin: Anti-Russia Project Started Back In Middle Ages

Putin: Anti-Russia Project Started Back In Middle Ages

Vladimir Putin in his article “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians”, and now personally, claims that the anti-Russia project started in the Middle Ages and continues to this day.

The project started back in the 17-18 centuries in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Later it was used by the Polish national movement, and before the First World War it was used by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The goal was quite simple: divide and conquer. Before World War I, Russia's potential adversaries had a simple goal - simply to weaken the country. They pursued this goal vigorously, promoting an anti-Russian concept and dividing part of one nation in order to weaken the rival. Why the Bolsheviks had to take up this concept and implement it when creating the union is historically not clear.
Perhaps at that time it would have been more logical to unite the country, especially since they believed that this was a transitional period. But they left everything as it is, and, unfortunately, the time bombs eventually exploded.
"So, it all started a long time ago, during the Middle Ages, and it continues to this very day. They are simply recycling old schemes. History repeats itself," sums up Putin.

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