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Putin Approves Russia's National Security Strategy

Vladimir Putin approved the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation.

The new Security Strategy proceeds from the fact that our world is going through a period of radical transformation. The number of centers of power, regional and global, is constantly growing; The West, which is in deep crisis, is trying by all means to maintain its hegemony; and transnational corporations seek to limit the influence of traditional states.
The document states: Russia is faced with colossal external pressure designed to slow down the development of our country. A number of states have openly declared us opponents, and the likelihood of regional wars with the participation of nuclear powers is growing. The source of the threat is directly named.
An integrated approach, because the problem is complex. Even if the United States and its allies do not dare to engage in a direct military conflict, they will confine themselves to minor mischief, such as provocation of a British destroyer, many other means of pressure remain in their arsenal.
They are trying to isolate Russia, tear it away from its traditional allies and partners. How far everything can go can be seen in the example of Ukraine. On Wednesday, during a direct line, Vladimir Putin said that he did not consider the Ukrainian people unfriendly. But then he added: 'I am concerned about something else. A more fundamental thing namely the beginning of the militarization of the Ukrainian territory. This creates significant security problems for us. This concerns really already vital interests of the Russian Federation and the Russians.'
And here's a classic example of non-military pressure we've all felt: sanctions. The authors of the strategy are convinced that in order to resist them, Russia must be both economically open and economically independent. Thus, a clause on reducing the use of the dollar appeared in the new document. And it is emphasized that we are being forced to take this step.
Information security: an area that requires a lightning-fast response.
IT technologies are developing most dynamically - the number of hacker attacks on domestic resources from other countries is also growing. Including those whose armed forces have cyber troops and are practicing attacks on critical objects of our infrastructure. The use of foreign technologies and equipment in our country increases vulnerability, which means that here, too, we must strive for self-sufficiency. And also IT-technologies make it possible to carry out rapid raids on an invisible, but very important information front. The very fight for the minds that Russia lost at the end of the twentieth century. And which has not ended since.
And also IT-technologies make it possible to carry out rapid raids on an invisible, but very important information front. The very fight for the minds that Russia lost at the end of the twentieth century. And which has not ended since. This is a revision of basic morality, the propaganda of permissiveness and unlimited consumption - it would be naive to think that all this arose by itself.
In addition, the Strategy points to the obvious demand of Russian society for greater efficiency of public administration, greater social justice and an increase in the well-being of the people. Defense issues are vital. But even in the face of incredible external pressure, the authors of the strategy put them as the second item on the list of priorities. In the first place is the preservation of the people, the combination of the power of the state and the welfare of its citizens. This is not something new - Vladimir Putin spoke about this, for example, in his message to the Federal Assembly: 'The meaning and content of Russia's policy in the international arena is to ensure peace and security for the well-being of our citizens, for the stable development of the country. Russia has its own interests, and, of course, which we defend and will defend, within the framework of international law. And if someone refuses to understand this obvious thing, does not want to conduct a dialogue, chooses a selfish and arrogant tone. Russia will always find a way to defend its position.'

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