, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Clarifies Issue Of Russian Gas Transit Through Ukraine

Putin Clarifies Issue Of Russian Gas Transit Through Ukraine

Vladimir Putin clarified the issue of the transit of Russian natural gas through the territory of Ukraine, answering a journalist's question in connection with statements by President Zelensky in Berlin about the need to include this issue on the agenda of the next meeting of the Normandy format.

"Russia signed a five-year contract to deliver a certain amount of Russian natural gas to our consumers in Europe via Ukraine. The Normandy format and other similar formats are political platforms for discussing the situation in southeastern Ukraine. They have nothing to do with commercial projects like Nord Stream or Nord Stream 2 or the transit of our gas through the territory of Ukraine. Despite all the current difficulties, Russia undertook certain obligations under this contract and will fully meet them," Putin said.
Now, the volume of transit gas currently accounts for only one third of the throughput capacity of the Ukrainian pipeline.
So, recall that Russian Gazprom and Ukrainian Naftogaz signed a gas transit agreement for five years in 2019. many experts suggest that in 2024 Russia will stop transit of natural gas through Ukraine and redirect hydrocarbon flows through Nord Stream 2. however, the most likely scenario is which Russia will continue to transit gas through Ukraine in order to avoid confrontation with the West, but will reduce its volume as much as possible, just to keep the pipeline in working order.

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