, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Opens MAKS 2021, Premiere Sukhoi Checkmate

Putin Opens MAKS 2021, Premiere Sukhoi Checkmate

Vladimir Putin attended the opening ceremony of the 15th International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2021on Tuesday.

The whole world was probably looking forward to this minute. The main intrigue of the MAKS 2021 air show is the plane that has already become famous, although no one has seen it yet.
A few days before the air show, Rostec announced a super-premiere - the latest military aircraft. And then he fueled interest, gradually opening the curtain. And today, finally, the long-awaited novelty is presented to everyone.
Now it can be viewed in detail. angular shape - the fighter will be invisible to radars. The armament bays are hidden inside the fuselage. And the main feature is one engine. now there are no such vehicles in the Russian army. now will be. Llight tactical aircraft of the fifth generation, called Checkmate. next generation platform. Wide combat capabilities. The pilot is assisted by artificial intelligence. Although the new aircraft is called a fighter, it will be able to destroy not only air targets.
The first flight of the new car should take place in two years. In the meantime, already well-known planes soar into the sky near Moscow. This year, for the first time, the Su-57 participates in an air show as a serial fighter. Officially, the MiG-35 and Su-30 are not yet the fifth generation, but they are ready to challenge it. And this is not all that the jubilee airshow can surprise the audience with.
Two years ago, a civilian MS-21 aircraft flew here with American engines, and the PD-14 engine was separately demonstrated at the stand. And now our engine lifts our plane into the sky during the airshow.
Another premiere. Short-haul IL-114-300. The plane is smaller than the MC-21 and has its own niche for local airlines. Replacing the old An-24.
Tven more deserved An-2 now also has something to replace. light multipurpose aircraft Baikal, the President examined it. There, the head of state was shown a business version of the Superjet. Together, these new items make up the lineup that will become the face of Russian aviation in the future.
These new helicopters were also shown to the President today. ANSAT-M differs from its predecessor in increased flight range. firefighter Ka-32 received a new fire extinguishing system. a postal drone will be able to deliver parcels without a postman.
Now it is important that all promising models become serial samples, adding to the fleet of Russian airlines. And this is precisely the main task of the aviation industry, a meeting on the future of which the president held at MAKS.
However, today it is hardly possible to achieve success without international cooperation. Kazakhstan became Russia's partner at MAKS this year. Also, Belarus and other EAEC countries are taking part, and not only. 250 foreign companies from more than 50 countries.
Among such developments, for example, an all-electric aircraft, a prototype of which is presented in Zhukovsky. However, the air show is not only the technologies of the future, but also traditions. one of these is Russian ice cream, which the president tastes during his visit to the exhibition. an irreplaceable delicacy in hot weather. Vladimir Putin has not changed this tradition even today, having treated the entire government delegation to ice cream while watching the flight program.

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