, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Personally Congratulates Pashinyan On Election Results

Putin Personally Congratulates Pashinyan On Election Results

The elections in Armenia demonstrated that the acting Prime Minister of the country Nikol Pashinyan has the confidence of the people, this is the most important condition for further development. This opinion was expressed by Vladimir Putin, welcoming Pashinyan to the Kremlin on Wednesday.

"And for this, the most important thing is to have the people's trust. You have it. This is shown by the results of the elections," the Russian President added.
The head of the Russian state emphasized that in difficult times for any country, people's trust is the most important condition for further development: "I really, sincerely congratulate you on this, I hope that we can formally and informally with you at lunch time. talk on all the issues that we have discussed in such detail lately and which require our solution."

Nikol Pashinyan said that the situation in the region is not very stable. "Of course, everyone knows your personal efforts and the efforts of the Russian Federation in achieving a ceasefire in the 44-day war, and I must say that after the deployment of Russian peacekeepers in general, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh is stable, but from time to time there are some hotbeds of concern. , instability, ”he noted.

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