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Russian Presidential Security Service Turns 30

Imperceptibly, in conditions of extreme importance - this is how the Security Service of the President of Russia works, since its creation 30 years old. One of the key structures of the state security relates to the FSO.

If it were not for the earphone wire and conversations with your own fist, these guys could well be mistaken for members of the official delegation of the head of state.
The main task of the service employees is the physical safety of the head of state. The decree on the creation of this structure was signed by the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, nine days after taking office.
They are often in sight, but no one knows practically anything about them. How many employees are in the Presidential Security Service, what they are armed with, how exactly they protect the head of state - all this, of course, is a secret. But at least one principle of their work is known: the best improvisation is prepared improvisation. All possible, even the most incredible, scenarios are calculated in advance. The activity of the President of Russia, of course, creates many additional problems for the Security Service. Vladimir Putin travels a lot around the country. And for him it is a common thing - after a meeting in the local administration, unplanned approach to people. Ensuring safety in these conditions and not interfering with communication is not easy.
Here's another episode. St. Petersburg, Navy parade. Vladimir Putin was supposed to get into the car, but suddenly changed his mind and decided to walk. You can see how the security officer is transmitting on the radio that the script has changed. The President suddenly approaches the audience.
To fulfill the task, no matter what, is the main principle of the Russian president's security service. A seemingly insignificant but very eloquent episode took place in Germany at the G20 summit. The heads of state enter the building, and their guards are forced to enter through another door. All obediently leave their presidents and go where they were told. The Russian guards follow their President. The confused representative of the German special services did not dare to insist.
Sometimes the security service of the President of Russia has to perform functions that are not typical for it, as, for example, it was recently in Switzerland, at the talks between Putin and Biden. The press service of the American president failed to cope with the simplest task - to lead the journalists inside the building. The Russian bodyguards had to connect.
The security service of the President of Russia is not only those employees whom we see next to the head of state. Some we shouldn't see, but they are also nearby. Maybe under water, or maybe in the sky - depends on the situation, which must always be under control.

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