, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russian Security Council Secretary Patrushev Turns 70

Russian Security Council Secretary Patrushev Turns 70

On Sunday, the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev celebrated his 70th birthday.

Vladimir Putin congratulated him on his anniversary. The President noted that they have been linked by many years of friendship and joint work. Brilliant erudition, the ability to take personal responsibility - these are the qualities that, according to the head of state, distinguish Patrushev. There were many of the most difficult problems in his life, and he always found a solution. And he completely devoted himself to the cause, whether it was work or his favorite volleyball.
The ball just takes off over the site, and already at the moment when the trajectory of its flight became clear, in a split second, that is, the receiving team must know the combination that it will play - a reception, a pass, an attack hit.
Someone considers chess to be an obvious sports symbol of strategic thinking, while Nikolai Patrushev prefers volleyball, in which instant decision-making, combinations learned by heart and precise implementation. However, the ability to play in a team is far from the only skill required for a security professional. This kind of work shapes the personality.

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