, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Irkutsk Governor Reports To Putin On Consequences Of Devastating Flood

Irkutsk Governor Reports To Putin On Consequences Of Devastating Flood

Vladimir Putin, on Monday, discussed in the Kremlin the consequences of the devastating 2019 flood in the Irkutsk Region with Governor Igor Kobzev.

Igor Kobzev began his report with the instructions that the President had given earlier. They concerned restoration of infrastructure in the regions that had been damaged in flash floods in 2019. At present, 75 percent of the instructions have been implemented. The issue of social payments has been settled. In all, 954 residential buildings were supposed to be built; as of today, 749 of them have been made ready for use. There are some 149 families left. The Governor promised that this issue will be settled before the end of the year.

According to the Governor, the interagency commission found 7,810 residential premises to be in a state of disrepair. Igor Kobzev thanked the Government and the governmental commission led by Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, who coordinates the relevant efforts, for their assistance.
There are plans for 266 measures devoted to the infrastructure restoration. Twenty-seven social facilities out of 108 will be restored next year. Large companies and state corporations have provided assistance. Tulun, the city that suffered the most, has been largely restored. Work is underway to repair the utility networks in Nizhneudinsk and other areas.
The Governor added that the new and reinforced dams prevented floods in 2020 and 2021, resisting peak flows.
He also mentioned the environmental agenda: the elimination of a major chemical pollution site of the former company Usolyekhimprom and remedial action following the activity of the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill.
Answering the President’s question about whether there had been a shortfall in revenue due to the tax manoeuvre by the Government, Igor Kobzev said that this year, the region’s companies provided some 30 billion rubles in mineral tax to the federal budget; the annualised income tax has reduced by 4.5 billion rubles. In this regard, the Governor asked for assistance, adding that at the end of the year, regions facing economic hardships would receive subsidies. He also reminded the President about the high cost of the federal-scale emergency to the regional budget. The President suggested that the Governor prepare and submit relevant documents.

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