, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Made Fun Of Kiev's Provocations Ahead Of Russia's Elections

Lavrov Made Fun Of Kiev's Provocations Ahead Of Russia's Elections

The Kiev authorities are carrying out provocations in the run-up to the election to the Russian State Duma, including sending letters to various countries, demanding that they do not send observers to monitor the vote, Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday at a meeting with representatives of national and cultural associations.

He noted that Kiev’s arguments about the electoral process in Crimea and Donbass did not hold water. "The Crimea issue is closed, we explained everything to everyone a long time ago, and everyone understood everything, including the Ukrainian leaders themselves, I am certain," Lavrov explained. He stressed that Donbass residents with Russian passports were entitled to vote "wherever they live."
According to Russia’s top diplomat, Ukraine will take advantage of the fact many in the West are looking for an excuse to step up pressure on Russia, and more attempts to irritate Moscow will follow.

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