, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Response To German Reporter About Navalny, Opposition, Corruption

Putin's Response To German Reporter About Navalny, Opposition, Corruption

During a press conference on Friday, Vladimir Putin answered a question from a German reporter about Navalny, his supporters, the opposition in general, and the fight against corruption.

Putin recalled that Alexei Navalny was convicted not for his political activities, but for a criminal offense against foreign partners. "No one should be using political activity as a front to carry out business projects, which, on top of that, violate the law."
With regard to the non-systemic opposition in general, the President said that "our political system is evolving, and all citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to express their opinions on political issues, form political organisations, and participate in elections of all levels. however, this must be done within the limits of applicable law and the Constitution. we will do our best to keep the situation in Russia stable and predictable. Russia exhausted its limit on revolutions back in the 20th century. we do not want revolutions. what we want is evolutionary development of our society and state."
According to the President, fighting corruption is critically important "but it should not be used as a tool in a political struggle. we, as well as you, are well aware that this toolkit is used to achieve political goals and is recommended for achieving political goals by the organisations that are in charge of activities by people of this kind. indeed, fighting corruption is critically important in and of itself, and it is our top priority, and we will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to eradicate corruption in the broadest sense of the word."

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