, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Casts Ballot In Russia's Parliamentary Elections

Lavrov Casts Ballot In Russia's Parliamentary Elections

On Saturday, Sergey Lavrov has cast his ballot in the country's parliamentary elections in a traditional format by visiting polling station, which is located at school number 1243 in Maly Kislovsky Lane, Moscow.

The State Duma of the VIII convocation is elected for five years under a mixed electoral system: 225 deputies are elected by party lists, another 225 - by single-mandate constituencies in one round. Simultaneously with the elections to the State Duma on a single voting day, direct elections are to be held for the heads of nine Russian constituent entities (in three more regions, deputies of legislative assemblies will elect the highest administrative persons) and 39 regional parliaments.

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